Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sarah Ellen and Virginia Abe 10-027

     (6)Sarah Ellen and Virginia were the seventh and eighth children born to Nicholas and Lacy Ann (Long) Abe. Unfortunately there is almost no information available for these children.
     Sarah Ellen is the only one found in a census record. The (4)1860 Census listed her as three years of age and is called "Ellen".
     They are buried in the (1)Long Cemetery in Short Gap, West Virginia. They share the same headstone and it reads as follows:

Sarah E.
Died Sept. 8, 1868
Aged 11 years and 21 days

Died Sept. 8, 1868
Aged 6 years 9 months and 26 days

Children of N. and E.A. Abe

Smenner and Son Cumberland MD

     From the information on the headstone their births were calculated as August 18, 1857 for Sarah Ellen and November 13, 1861 for Virginia.
     The story in the (13)"Abe Family Heritage" book says that they both died from eating too many green apples. Now, eating too much of any fruit will cause diarrhea and that is what is listed on their (85)death record. There still seems to be conflicting opinions out there on whether diarrhea is caused by too much fiber from the apples or too high a sugar content. No matter what the cause, at the time this happened I'm sure there was no reliable way of stopping diarrhea. Fortunately for older brother Jacob, who also became sick, he survived.
     One interesting bit of information for these children is that both the headstone and death record list their mother, as E.A. Abe and Elizabeth Abe, instead of Lacy Ann Abe.

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